What are you passionate about?
- Chobani Mango yogurt
- my daily goals
- massages
- neuroscience
- mesomorphs
- Voltaire
- Finding a social media issue for my upcoming 10 page paper that I want to dominate
- writing
- my music, as usual, because its flawless
- buying some of my favorite clothes online, I didn't know I liked shopping until I discovered Amazon
- my future career, because its awesome
- America
I absolutely [love] this song. Summertime in October? Yes, please.
Poolside - Kiss You Forever
(their other stuff is worth looking at too)
together everyday
always every day
our world is a game
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
I want to kiss you forever, forever, forever, forever yeah...
I want to kiss you forever, just want to kiss you forever.
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