C'est ici, où j'écris.

trust me, darling.

I went to conference's Sunday afternoon session. It was so lovely to spend Easter weekend with one of very best friends. We went clubbing in Salt Lake Friday and to a show. Discovered my love for Dubstep. If you don't know what it is I highly recommend youtubing it. On Saturday we went to another dance club. Too much dancing for a weekend? No, fortunately not because on a Sunday afternoon beg outside of the Salt Lake City conference center how else were we to score 3 tickets?

Last weekend I was also privileged to see my dearest Cecil. We went on a bike ride like old times. Life's so different now from where I always had thought it would be. I guess my imagination fell short of how circumstance and opportunity has panned out. Back in high school I never would have thought I'd have met so many cool people, moved to Utah, gained so many friends, lost so many friends, learned to work even harder, play guitar, harmonica, longboard, filled so many notebooks with words, visited so many places and cultures, etc. I've been really lucky; things keep rolling better and sometimes worse than I expect but it's always been good for me.

Anyways, life's aight. In limbo, but that just means new things are going to hit. And I like new things, it's like a breathe of fresh air.
Freshhhh. Outside right now is fresh. This tight song I'm listening to by John Grant is fresh. It's called Marz.

I'm going to learn it on the guitar. It's so lovely to have my guitar back. And to finally own a keyboard. I don't think my room mate feels the same way.

Also, I've been contemplating different summer jobs. Las Vegas-avid. Provo-not so much.

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